Bhumi Pednekar’s culinary tales have at all times been fan favourites. The actress steadily shares updates on her gastronomic adventures from around the globe. Recently, Bhumi indulged in some tasty treats at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport whereas travelling from Hyderabad to Mumbai. She provided a glimpse of her foodie escapades on Instagram, captioning it, “No aana jaana with out khaana #BPTravels.” The video begins with Bhumi strolling by way of the airport and asking, “Should we eat one thing? I’m very hungry.” She heads to a meals stall and initially orders a veg pesto sandwich and mac and cheese. However, she later cancels the sandwich and opts for a spicy cottage cheese wrap as an alternative.
For her caffeine repair, Bhumi orders a hazelnut cappuccino with cinnamon and a French vanilla with almond milk. In the subsequent scene, she is seen having fun with her wrap with ketchup. But Bhumi’s foodie journey does not finish there. She additionally relishes a South Indian thali throughout her temporary pit cease. She savours sambar and rice with papad and enjoys a selection that features rasam, a wide range of curries, dal, pickles, and chutneys.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar Savoured A Traditional Bengali Thali In Kolkata – See Pic
Watch the complete video beneath:
Last September, when Bhumi Pednekar travelled to Delhi, the actress made a “meals pit cease” at Carnatic Cafe, Indira Gandhi International Airport. She shared an image of a scrumptious South Indian meal that includes a crunchy, paper-thin dosa served with sambar and two sorts of chutneys. “Compulsory meals pit cease earlier than I fly out from Delhi. Carnatic Cafe,” learn the observe atop the image. Read the complete story here.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar’s “Decembering” Diaries Are A Food Lover’s Dream
We cannot wait to see extra of Bhumi Pednekar’s culinary indulgences.