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Scientists make wooden glow utilizing 2,400-year-old honey fungus

For the primary time, scientists discovered a solution to produce a novel materials out of wooden and a bioluminescent fungus. They...

3 Animals That Prove Even Nature’s Most Deadly Volcanoes Can Actually Nurture Life

Volcanoes are nature’s most formidable architects of destruction. One volcanic eruption can decimate complete landscapes in a blaze of molten...

Genes Older Than Animal Life Itself Were Inserted Into Mice. Here’s What Happened. : ScienceAlert

With their little beady black eyes and dappled grey fur, the mice born in a current lab experiment in Hong Kong...

A 34-Meter Giant Alive Since Napoleon – The Largest Living Creature on Earth!

In a jaw-dropping discovery that might revolutionize our understanding of marine life, scientists have discovered the largest residing organism ever recorded on Earth. A...