Varun Dhawan’s New Year celebration was a complete temper. The actor jetted off on a seashore trip together with his household — spouse Natasha Dalal and their daughter Lara. On the primary day of 2025, he posted a snap from his tropical escapade on his Instagram Stories. It appeared that earlier than taking a “dip within the ocean”, Varun handled himself to an unique fruit platter. Arranged on the plate had been melon slices, triangular-shaped watermelon slices and papaya chunks topped with blueberries. The phrases “Happy New Year” had been written on the plate with chocolate sauce. The image reveals Varun’s wholesome begin for 2025. Even on a vacation, he retains a powerful test on his weight loss program. Take a glance:
Last month, Varun Dhawan made a pitstop at Ahmedabad. He was selling his movie Baby John which hit the silver screens on Christmas Day. The actor was accompanied by his co-star Wamiqa Gabbi. Taking a while out from his hectic schedule, Varun launched into a culinary path. He relished a healthful Gujarati thali. The actor was seen sitting on the desk together with his Baby John workforce. On the desk, we noticed chapatti, palak ki sabji, khatti mithi dry dal and methi ka thepla. Curd and a glass of chaas accomplished Varun’s gastronomical expedition. “Gujarati thali to Atal bridge majja aavi gayi!! (Gujrati thali ti Atal bridge was loads of enjoyable). 6 days left see you on Christmas Baby John,” mentioned his caption. Read the complete story here.
Also Read:After Having Mithai For His Cheat Meal, Varun Dhawan Balanced It With This Homecooked Meal
We are excited to seek out out Varun’s subsequent culinary journey.