The Allu Arjun led Pushpa 2: The Rule has damaged the field workplace on Sunday, as early estimates for the fourth day are coming within the vary of Rs. 84 to Rs. 86 crores. The four-day whole of this Sukumar directorial stands at a humongous sum of Rs. 290 crores and the movie is about to enter the Rs. 300 crore membership in 5-days flat.

Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 Smashes box office with Rs. 85 cr. Sunday; sets sights on Rs. 700 cr.

Pushpa 2 has damaged the weekend document of Shah Rukh Khan’s September 2023 launch, Jawan, and is able to scale new heights because the movie will now be aiming for a lifetime assortment of Rs. 700 crores in Hindi. The four-day development is historic , to say the least, slightly past historic, and the movie even confronted capability points at many locations on Sunday.

Pushpa 2: The Rule went from energy to energy during the last 4 days, as after opening at Rs. 72 crore on Thursday, the movie collected Rs. 59 crore on Sunday and Rs. 74 crore on Saturday. Pushpa 2 is doing this quantity with minimal launch in South India, and the true worth of the Rs. 85 crore on Sunday might be nearer to the Rs. 100 crore mark.

Allu Arjun has now emerged as the most important Pan India star, as these are merely unbelievable numbers for the movie, and it is not seeking to cease anytime quickly.

More Pages: Pushpa 2 – The Rule Box Office Collection , Pushpa 2 – The Rule Movie Review